
Some information about our Funeral Flowers and Funeral Arrangements...

See also our Gallery for more examples of our Funeral Flower Arrangements
and also view / download our Free E-Mag - Funeral Flowers...
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Heathmont Flowers are an experienced florist offering affordable Funeral Arrangements and Funeral floral services in Heathmont, Victoria.
Be completely happy with your choice of Funeral flowers designed by Helen Brown, a Qualified Floral Designer.
Call Helen to discuss your special needs and receive expert advice to co-ordinate your flowers.
Whatever funeral flower arrangement you choose, all will be the freshest and best quality blooms.

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Funeral Flowers:

  • Funeral Casket Flowers
  • Funeral Wreaths
  • Funeral Floral Arrangements
  • Funeral Floral Corsages
  • Button Holes
  • Church Flowers and Arrangements
  • Funeral Reception Venue Flowers and Arrangements
  • Custom Funeral Flower Arrangements
You are invited to call for an appointment to discuss your Funeral Flowers and meet with Helen in a relaxed and friendly environment where you will receive professional and personalised attention.

Contact Heathmont Flowers

Phone: (03) 9729 5520
Fax: (03) 9720 9746


Industry Associations

Interflora, Teleflora & AFA.

Useful Funeral Flowers Resources:

Free E-Magazine by Heathmont Flowers - Funeral Flowers

(View online or download (PDF File Format)

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